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Covid Hair Loss :(

Writer's picture: myfabulashstudiomyfabulashstudio

So.. since my last post/e-mail to you about us having covid. I've been suffering from massive hair loss. I at first linked it with postpartum, however, after my preventative remedies stopped working & the shed worsened... I knew the covid shed made it's appearance, and it wasn't going to leave without vengeance. I've heard about this, but man hearing about it vs experiencing it is ..wooo. Take a look at my hair loss below.

Noticed how 12/16-12/29/21 it just kept getting worse? I barely have any new growth! Yes, I know it's only a few days and hair doesn't grow but 1/2" a month.. but my hair looked like this since 10/21.

My friend told me about this product called Mōdere. Let me tell you, I'm very impressed. I could cry! I purchased Liquid Biocell LIFE & Liquid Biocell SKIN. Started taking it immediately 1/19/22 and in just 2 days look the results had me speechless.

This is 20 days a part, but I started Modere on 1/19, so this is just after taking it for 10 days! 10 FREAKING DAYS! Ignore the grays, I've been so depressed I couldn't face going to the hair salon and have everyone see my bald. yup.. my bald.

I am feeling confident again and I scheduled to see my hair girl soon. But hollllyyyy cow can you see the difference?? I couldn't believe it. Especially in such a short amount of time!

3 days apart.. I know I'm getting a little obsessive, but wouldn't you?! My scalp doesn't get as cold (that was a very strange feeling - this much shedding has never happened with PP before either.. it's insane)

I wouldn't of believed it myself if I didn't document this. I only take 1 tablespoon of each, twice daily.. they taste just like berries. IMO - Biocell LIFE tastes like a virgin Bloody Mary to me! LOL

Ok so check out the bottom pic above 1/25 and the bottom pic of this one (1/29). 4 days apart.. the hairs are tickling my face LOL!

I can't believe how much has grown out, and filled in!

Anyways, I'm super grateful my friend told me about Mōdere. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me. I would LOVE to help anyone who's going through this. Forward this to a friend, let me help them! This is something no one should ever deal with alone.. it's not cool! If you'd like to purchase or recommend a friend this product, I would love it if you share them this Referral code: 1476075 OR use this link. Because I am now obsessed with this product, that gives you and friends $10 off and I'll also receive $10 off my next order. Who doesn't love a discount?! I know I could use it since I'll be doing a recurring order! I'll continue to document this, follow my instagram page if you haven't. Or send me an email/text or however you want, I'd love to help you and answer any questions you may have! I'll get through this and I'm feeling better as each day comes! Bless!

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