It’s been a while since I’ve been able to send out one of these emails. And unfortunately it’s not a good one. John ended up with covid & is in the hospital. I stayed home to care for our 4 kids and also ended up with covid. He’s been in the hospital since 10/11 and it’s 10/25 and i can’t even tell you when he’ll get discharged. He was supposed to have been home 3 days ago, they even wrote “discharging today” on his board, and yet he’s STILL there. If its not one thing, something else pops up. His experience there hasn’t been great. I can go on and on about all the nasty things the hospital has done, but I’ll have to get into that when i have more energy.
This virus has been horrific. Both of us having it, one in hospital & I’m making sure the kids are taken care of is very very challenging. I’ve had meals delivered which i’m forever grateful for, its one less thing I have to physically do. A friend has set up a Go Fund Me to help out our family during this time of need. I just had our 4th baby in July, went back to work after 5 weeks, well.. because if you’re self employed, you know the struggle!
John feels like he’s going backwards, prayers are much needed, and are gracefully accepted. His oxygen level are better, now they’re holding him because of his heart rate. Thank you to everyone who’s reached out in every single way. I see you.. I feel you.. your love doesn’t go un-noticed. I’m very envious of those who only had mild symptoms of covid, seems like we had the poop-end of the stick. Sorry if this seems to be jumping all over the place, i had to take a few breaks just to write this out. Hoping this chapter ends soon for us, can’t wait to get back to ‘normalcy’ again. Thank you again to everyone who’s donated, you have no idea how much it helps ease our worries during this difficult time.